46. The OCR stand for?

A. Outsized character reader
B. Optical character recognition
C. Operational character reader
D. Only character reader
E. None of the above

Correct Answer: B. Optical character recognition

47. Which of the following is a data communication link that connects more than two stations, nodes etc

A. Multipoint connection
B. Multipoint line
C. Multiple chain
D. Multilinked
E. None of the above

Correct Answer: B. Multipoint line

48. The two basic types of record-access methods are:

A. sequential and random
B. sequential and indexed
C. direct and immediate
D. on-line and realtime
E. None of the above

Correct Answer: A. sequential and random

49. Which functional component of a computer is responsible for the computing?

A. Input
B. Output
D. Memory
E. Storage

Correct Answer: C. CPU

50. Punched cards are associated with the name

A. Leibniz
B. Jacquard
C. Hollerith
D. Pascal
E. None of the above

Correct Answer: C. Hollerith


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