Synthesis of Therapeutic Agents – Section 1 1. Human insulin formed by recombinant DNA technology is known as A. H insulin B. R insulin C.…
Recombinant DNA – Section 1 1. A molecular technique in which DNA sequences between two oligonucleotide primers can be amplified is known as…
Food Illness – Section 1 1. Which of the following toxin causing botulism is less toxic to human beings? A. Type A B.…
Heated Canned Foods – Section 1 1. Which of the following strain(s), that grow in the jellies and candied fruits, are able to grow…
Poultry, Egg and Meat – Section 1 1. The technique first described to determine the incipient spoilage in meat was A. homogenate extract volume (HEV)…
Milk and Milk Products – Section 1 1. Nonbacterial ropiness or sliminess in milk and milk products may be due to the A. stringiness caused…
Fruits and Vegetables – Section 1 1. Yeast are most likely to grow in frozen fruits during A. slow thawing B. refrigeration C. ambient…
Industrially Useful Microbial Processes – Section 2 1. The other name of invertase enzyme is A. sucrase B. saccharase C. isomerase D. both (a) and…
Industrially Useful Microbial Processes – Section 1 1. Which of the following was the first amino acid to be produced commercially? A. L-glutamic acid B.…
Microbes in Aquatic Environment – Section 1 1. The Redfield ratio is an index of concentration of A. carbon, hydrogen and oxygen B. nitrogen, potassium…