Madhya Pradesh General knowledge / Madhya Pradesh GK / Madhya Pradesh History / Madhya Pradesh Quiz 1. Which one is the largest city by areawise in Madhya Pradesh (A) Indore (B) Bhopal (C) Jabalpur…
Karnataka General Knowledge / Karnataka GK / Karnataka History / Karnataka Quiz 1. In which year the Mysore State was renamed as Karnataka (A) 1968 (B) 1971 (C) 1973 (D) …
List of International Organizations and their Headquarters An international organization is created to tackle issues from all over the world. The disputes between countries and…
Jharkhand General knowledge / Jharkhand GK / Jharkhand History 1. In which year Jharkhand was formed as a separate state (A) 1998 (B) 2000 (C) 2001 (D) …
Jammu and Kashmir General knowledge / Jammu and Kashmir GK / Jammu and Kashmir History / Jammu and Kashmir Quiz 1. Total number of districts in Jammu and Kashmir (A) 22 (B) 24 (C) 28 (D) 32 2.…
Himachal Pradesh General knowledge / Himachal Pradesh GK / Himachal Pradesh History / Himachal Pradesh Quiz 1. In which year Himachal Pradesh recognised as a state (A) 1971 (B) 1974 (C) 1978 (D) 1982…
Haryana General knowledge / Haryana GK / Haryana History / Haryana Quiz 1. In which year Haryana was formed as a separate state (A) 1962 (B) 1966 (C) 1969 (D) …
Gujarat General knowledge / Gujarat GK / Gujarat History / Gujarat Quiz 1. The Ahmedabad city was founded by Ahmed I in the year (A) 1411 (B) 1427 (C) 1434…
Goa General knowledge / Goa GK / Goa History / Goa Quiz 1. Who was the ruler of Goa before it becomes a part of India (A) British (B) Dutch…
Modern Indian History & Freedom Struggle 1. The Cartaz system with reference to naval trade was used by which of the following? (A) Dutch…