76. The longest day (shortest night) in the southern hemisphere is
A. June 21
B. December 22
C. July 21
D. November 22
77. The most obvious effect of pressure on rocks is
A. Foliation
B. Lineation
C. Lithification
D. The reorientation of mineral crystals
78. The longest era of the classification of the history of the earth is
A. Cainozoic era
B. Pre-Cambrian era
C. Paleozoic era
D. Mesozoic era
79. The main objective of the centrally sponsored Command Area Development program is
A. Improving the utilization of irrigation potential
B. Optimizing agricultural productivity and production from the irrigated area
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of the above
80. The minimum values of annual receipts of solar radiation occur at
A. The Equator
B. The Tropics
C. The Arctic
D. None of the above