111. The novel Pather Panchali was written by

(A)  Jogesh Chandra Roy Vidyanidhi
(B)  Brajendranath Bandyopadhyay
(C)  Tarashankar Bandopadhyay
(D)  Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay

Correct Answer: (D)  Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay

112. Which book is also known as “The Bible of Bengali Patriotism”

(A)  Anandamath
(B)  Durgeshnandini
(C)  Devi Chaudhurani
(D)  Gitanjali

Correct Answer: (A)  Anandamath

113. Who founded the Indian Reform Association in 1870

(A)  Ram Mohan Roy
(B)  Debendranath Tagore
(C)  Keshub Chunder Sen
(D)  Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

Correct Answer: (C)  Keshub Chunder Sen

114. The first railway line was started in West Bengal between

(A) Howrah to Hooghly
(B) Howrah to Ranigunge
(C) Howrah to Burdwan
(D) Sealdah to Naihati

Correct Answer: (A) Howrah to Hooghly

115. The famous terracotta horse named “Bankura horse” is produce in which village

(A) Panchmura
(B) Haludkanali
(C) Rautara
(D) Baragari

Correct Answer: (A) Panchmura


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