31. The first field tests were conducted with which of the following genetically altered organism?

A. bt Corn
B. Vaccinia virus containing a gene from the rabies virus
C. The flavr savr tomato
D. Strawberry seedlings sprayed with ice-minus bacteria

Correct Answer: D. Strawberry seedlings sprayed with ice-minus bacteria

32. The delayed ripening tomato was created by a biotechnologist who __________ a gene.

A. altered
B. silenced
C. replaced
D. relocated

Correct Answer: B. silenced

33. Antisense technology

A. selectively blocks expression of a gene
B. combines genetic material from different species
C. combines organelles and cells
D. alters or transfers cells

Correct Answer: A. selectively blocks expression of a gene

34. Antisense transgenic plants produced fruit that softened

A. more slowly than the normal fruit
B. more rapidly than the normal fruit
C. as the normal fruits
D. none of these

Correct Answer: A. more slowly than the normal fruit

35. Insect resistance in the transgenic plant has been achieved by

A. transferring genes for Bt toxins
B. transferring genes for protease inhibitors
C. transferring genes for other insecticidal secondary metabolites
D. all of the above

Correct Answer: D. all of the above


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