31. Who propounded the concepts of “manifest function” and “latent function”

(A)  Robert Merton
(B)  Talcott Parsons
(C)  L. T. Hobhouse
(D)  Marion Levy

Correct Answer: (A)  Robert Merton

32. Who introduced the social distance scale

(A)  Bogardus
(B)  Bossard
(C)  Reissmann
(D)  Thomlinson

Correct Answer: (A)  Bogardus

33. Who advocated the importance of keeping social sciences or its analysis ethically neutral or value free

(A)  Comte
(B)  Hobhouse
(C)  Durkheim
(D)  Weber

Correct Answer: (D)  Weber

34. Who has classified action in logical and non-logical categories

(A)  Parsons
(B)  Pareto
(C)  Spencer
(D)  Mead

Correct Answer: (B)  Pareto

35. Who consider poverty as a result of exploitation and not of scarcity

(A)  Weber
(B)  Hobhouse
(C)  Marx
(D)  Peter Blau

Correct Answer: (C)  Marx


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