26. Who among the following had divided sociology into two major parts, namely static and dynamic sociology
(A) Auguste Comte
(B) Hegel
(C) Rudolph
(D) Hobhouse
27. Who considers poverty as a result of exploitation and not of scarcity
(A) Weber
(B) Plato
(C) Marx
(D) Pareto
28. The study of the vital processes of population aggregates is called
(A) Ecology
(B) Demography
(C) Statistics
(D) Anthropology
29. Who is the author of the book “The Golden Bough”
(A) G. Thomson
(B) J. Frazer
(C) B. Malinowski
(D) L. H. Morgan
30. Who among the following thinkers is associated with the terms “id”, “ego” and “superego”
(A) Carl G. Jung
(B) Gordon Allport
(C) Kimbal Young
(D) Sigmund Freud