136. Who said “History is past sociology, and sociology is present History”

(A) Robert Bierstedt
(B)  Aristotle
(C)  G.E. Howard
(D)  H.T. Mazumdar

Correct Answer: (C)  G.E. Howard

137. Who is the author of the book “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”.

(A)  Max Weber
(B)  Karl Marx
(C)  Herbert Spencer
(D)  C.H. Cooli

Correct Answer: (A)  Max Weber

138. The concept of “Anomie” was introduced to sociology by

(A)  August Comte
(B)  Max Weber
(C)  Karl Marx
(D)  Emile Durkheim

Correct Answer: (D)  Emile Durkheim


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