96. The principle of natural selection was first applied in sociology by

(A)  Herbert Spencer
(B)  Radcliffe Brown
(C)  Von Wiese
(D)  F. Tonnies

Correct Answer: (A)  Herbert Spencer

97. The book ‘The Theory of Social Structure’ is authored by

(A)  Levi-Strauss
(B)  A.R. Radcliffe Brown
(C)  S.F. Nadel
(D)  B. Malinowski

Correct Answer: (C)  S.F. Nadel

98. Which among these two creates a situation for role conflict

(A)  Conflict within a single role
(B)  Conflict between roles
(C)  Both (A) and (B)
(D)  None of the above

Correct Answer: (B)  Conflict between roles

99. Who has classified status into “ascribed” and “achieved”

(A)  Robert Bierstedt
(B)  H.M. Johnson
(C)  R.M. Mac Iver
(D)  Ralph Linton

Correct Answer: (D)  Ralph Linton

100. “Primary Groups are the nurseries of human nature.” This is stated by

(A)  H.M. Johnson
(B)  Herbert Spencer
(C)  George Simmel
(D)  C.H. Cooley

Correct Answer: (D)  C.H. Cooley


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