46. Who has given the notion of “Democracy” and “Public Sphere”
(A) Juergen Habermas
(B) Ulrich Beck
(C) Anthony Giddens
(D) Michel Foucault
47. A position or rank that is assigned to a person at birth and cannot be changed is
(A) A closed status
(B) A fixed status
(C) An achieved status
(D) An ascribed status
48. Concept of culture lag is given by
(A) Kingsley Davis
(B) Nimcoff
(C) Ogburn
(D) Mclver
49. The concept of “Reflexive role taking” was given by
(A) Merton
(B) Linton
(C) Coley
(D) G. H. Mead
50. Who said “There are no roles without statuses or statuses without roles”
(A) Ralph Linton
(B) Robert Park
(C) S. F. Nadel
(D) R. K. Merton