Production Engineering

1. The example of snag grinding is

A. trimming the surface left by sprues and risers on castings
B. grinding the parting line left on castings
C. removing flash on forgings
D. all of these

Correct Answer: D. all of these

2. The angle between the shear plane and __________ is called shear angle.

A. work surface
B. tool face

Correct Answer: A. work surface

3. In machining soft materials, a tool with negative relief angle is used.

A. Correct
B. Incorrect

Correct Answer: A. Correct

4. Which of the following parameters influence the axial feed rate in centreless grinding?

A. Regulating wheel diameter
B. Speed of the regulating wheel
C. Angle between the axes of grinding and regulating wheels
D. all of the above

Correct Answer: D. all of the above

5. The lathe spindles are usually made hollow and provided with

A. internal taper
B. external taper
C. internal and external taper
D. no taper

Correct Answer: A. internal taper

6. The top and sides of the table of a shaper usually have

A. L-type slots
B. T-type slots
C. I-type slots
D. any one of these

Correct Answer: B. T-type slots

7. The binding material used in cemented carbide tools is

A. tungsten
B. chromium
C. silicon
D. cobalt

Correct Answer: D. cobalt

8. In machining metals, chips break due to __________ of work material.

A. toughness
B. ductility
C. elasticity
D. work hardening

Correct Answer: D. work hardening

9. For softer materials, the point angle of the drill is kept

A. equal to 118°
B. less than 118°
C. more than 118°
D. any one of these

Correct Answer: B. less than 118°

10. When the backgear is engaged in a backgeared headstock, the spindle speed reduces considerably.

A. Agree
B. Disagree

Correct Answer: A. Agree


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