Directions to Solve

Each of the questions given below consists of a question followed by three statements. You have to study the question and the statements and decide which of the statement(s) is/are necessary to answer the question.

1. What is the speed of the train?

I. The train crosses a signal pole in 18 seconds.
II. The train crosses a platform of equal length in 36 seconds.
III. Length of the train is 330 meters.

A. I and II only
B. II and III only
C. I and III only
D. III and either I or II only
E. Any two of the three

Correct Answer: D. III and either I or II only

Answer Explanation:

the speed of the train

2. What is the speed of the train?

I. The train crosses a tree in 13 seconds.
II. The train crosses a platform of length 250 meters in 27 seconds.
III. The train crosses another train running in the same direction in 32 seconds.

A. I and II only
B. II and III only
C. I and III only
D. Any two of the three
E. None of these

Correct Answer: A. I and II only

Answer Explanation:

the speed of the train


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