1. Which of the following bacteria is susceptible to thiophene-2-carboxylic acid hydrazide?

A. M bovis
B. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
C. M chelonae
D. M fortuitum

Correct Answer: A. M bovis

2. Culture of tubercle bacilli may be positive if the number of bacteria in the specimen is

A. as few as 1-4 per ml
B. as few as 5-9 per ml
C. as few as 10-100 per ml
D. as few as 125-200 per ml

Correct Answer: C. as few as 10-100 per ml

3. Example of a Saprophytic bacteria is

A. M xenopi
B. Msmegmatis
C. Mycobacterium chelonae
D. M marinum

Correct Answer: B. Msmegmatis

4. Eugonic growth on Lowenstein-Jensen medium is produced by

A. M bovis
B. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above

Correct Answer: B. Mycobacterium tuberculosis

5. The causative agent of Buruli ulcer is

A. M chelonae
B. M marinum
C. M fortuitum
D. M ulcerans

Correct Answer: D. M ulcerans


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