131. Bahishkrit Hitakarini Sabha was founded by who among the following?

(A) Savitribai Phule
(B) Jyotirao Phule
(C) E.V. Ramaswamy
(D) B.R. Ambedkar

Correct Answer: (D) B.R. Ambedkar

Answer Explanation:
Bahishkrit Hitakarini Sabha or the Depressed Class Institute was founded by B.R. Ambedkar in the year 1924 (20th July). This institute worked for the untouchables to address their grievances to the government.

132. Who among the following founded the Radhaswami Movement?

(A) Shibli Nomani
(B) Tulsi Ram
(C) E.V. Radhaswami
(D) C.N. Mudaliar

Correct Answer: (B) Tulsi Ram

Answer Explanation:
In the year 1861, Radhaswami Movement was started by Tulsi Ram. He is also known as Shiv Dayal Saheb or Swamiji Maharaj. According to them, all religions are true.

133. Which of the following policy is considered as the extension of the policy of the ring-fence?

(A) Subsidiary Alliance
(B) Doctrine of Lapse
(C) Permanent settlement
(D) None of the above

Correct Answer: (A) Subsidiary Alliance

Answer Explanation:
The “policy of the ring-fence” was followed by the British East India Company from 1757 to 1813. The policy of Subsidiary Alliance is considered as the extension of the policy of the ring-fence.

134. Which among the following commission was appointed after the Bengal Famine of 1943?

(A) Strachey Commission
(B) Lyall Commission
(C) Macdonell Commission
(D) Woodhead Commission

Correct Answer: (D) Woodhead Commission

Answer Explanation:
Woodhead Commission was appointed after the Bengal Famine of 1943. It recommended for setting up of All India Food Council.

135. Which of the following was the first famine of India under company rule?

(A) Famine of 1770
(B) Famine of 1866
(C) Famine of 1900
(D) Famine of 1943

Correct Answer: (A) Famine of 1770

Answer Explanation:
The Famine of Bengal, Bihar, and Odisha in 1770 was the first famine of India under company rule. The British East India Company did not take any action to control it at that time.


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