51. Which Hoysala king assumed the title “Establisher of the Chola Kingdom” and “Emperor of the south”

(A)  Narasimha I
(B)  Veera Ballala II
(C)  Vira Narasimha II
(D)  Narasimha III

Correct Answer: (B)  Veera Ballala II

52. The provinces of the Vijayanagara Empire were called as

(A)  Samstanas
(B)  Rajyas
(C)  Deshas
(D)  Prantas

Correct Answer: (B)  Rajyas

53. In terms of princely hierarchy in colonial India, the status of Mysore was of a

(A)  Seventeen-gun salute state
(B)  Nineteen-gun salute state
(C)  Twenty-one-gun salute state
(D)  Thirty-one-gun salute state

Correct Answer: (C)  Twenty-one-gun salute state

54. Who auctioned salt at Belgaum and broke the Salt Law in April 1930

(A)  Karnad Sadashiva Rao
(B)  R.R. Diwakar
(C)  Hanumantha Rao Kaujalagi
(D)  Gangadhar Rao Deshpande

Correct Answer: (D)  Gangadhar Rao Deshpande

55. Mappila rebellion was related to

(A)  Tribal discontent
(B)  Nationalist discontent
(C)  Soldiers discontent
(D)  Peasant discontent

Correct Answer: (D)  Peasant discontent


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