16. Which among the following material was used in Mathura School of Art?

(A) Granite
(B) White marble
(C) Slate
(D) Red Sandstone

Correct Answer: (D) Red Sandstone

17. The best known of the compilation of the compositions of Kabir are known as?

(A) Shatapadi
(B) Dohavali
(C) Bijak
(D) Kavitavali

Correct Answer: (C) Bijak

18. The Putul Nautch puppetry art belongs to which state of India?

(A) West Bengal
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Himachal Pradesh
(D) Punjab

Correct Answer: (A) West Bengal

Answer Explanation:
The traditional rod puppet form of West Bengal is known as Putul Nautch. They are carved from wood and follow the various artistic styles of a particular region


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