16. In which year the AMUL (Anand Milk Federation Union Limited) was founded

(A)  1942
(B)  1946
(C)  1951
(D)  1962

Correct Answer: (B)  1946

17. What is the name of the first full length Gujrati Film

(A)  Shethani
(B)  Ranakdevi
(C)  Narsinh Mehta
(D)  Gunasundari

Correct Answer: (C)  Narsinh Mehta

18. The Gujarati Sahitya Parishad was established in the year

(A)  1905
(B)  1908
(C)  1912
(D)  1916

Correct Answer: (A)  1905

19. Who was the first President of Gujarati Sahitya Parishad

(A)  Ambalal S. Desai
(B)  Keshavlal Dhruv
(C)  Govardhanram Tripathi
(D)  Narsinhrao Divetia

Correct Answer: (C)  Govardhanram Tripathi

20. Who had built the Sun Temple of Modhera

(A)  Bhimdev I
(B)  Karandev I
(C)  Siddharaj Jaisinh
(D)  Kumarapala

Correct Answer: (A)  Bhimdev I


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