6. Light year is a measurement of
A. speed of aeroplanes
B. speed of light
C. Stellar distances
D. speed of rockets
7. Very small time intervals are accurately measure by
A. White dwarfs
B. Quartz clocks
C. Atomic clocks
D. Pulsars
8. One kilometre is equal to how many miles?
A. 0.84
B. 0.5
C. 1.6
D. 0.62
9. kilohertz is a unit which measures
A. power used by a current of one ampere
B. electromagnetic radio wave frequencies
C. voltage
D. electric resistance
10. One horse power is equal to
A. 746 watts
B. 748 watts
C. 756 watts
D. 736 watts
11. ‘Bar’ is the unit of
A. temperature
B. heat
C. atmospheric pressure
D. current
12. One Joule is equal to
13. Kilowatt is a unit to measure
A. work
B. power
C. electricity
D. current
14. Electric current is measure by
A. commutator
B. anemometer
C. ammeter
D. voltmeter
15. A chronometer measures
A. colour contrast
B. sound waves
C. time
D. water waves