36. Which of the following was to be discovered first in the chromospheres of the sun?

A. Krypton
B. Xenon
C. Neon
D. Helium

Correct Answer: D. Helium

37. Which of the following is in liquid form at room temperature?

A. Lithium
B. Sodium
C. Francium
D. Cerium

Correct Answer: C. Francium

38. Sodium metal is kept under

A. petrol
B. alcohol
C. water
D. kerosene

Correct Answer: D. kerosene

39. Which of the following are the ingredients of gun metal?

A. Iron, Zinc, Titanium
B. Iron, tin
C. Iron, Brass, Tin
D. Copper, Tin

Correct Answer: D. Copper, Tin

40. From which mineral is radium obtained?

A. Rutile
B. Haematite
C. Limestone
D. Pitchblende

Correct Answer: D. Pitchblende


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