111. Which among the following is the correct definition of Oxygen toxicity?

(A) A condition resulting from the harmful effects of breathing oxygen at high pressures
(B) A condition resulting from the contamination of oxygen with Carbon Monoxide
(C) A condition in which the body as a whole or a tissue is deprived of adequate oxygen supply
(D) A condition in which due to water pollution, the aquatic animals in water bodies get died

Correct Answer: (A) A condition resulting from the harmful effects of breathing oxygen at high pressures

112. Which among the following is true attribute to Polar bear?

(A) Herbivore
(B) Omnivore
(C) Carnivore
(D) Marsupial

Correct Answer: (C) Carnivore

Answer Explanation:

Please note that Polar Bear is the largest land carnivore animal, weighing about 350 to 700 kgs. Kodiak bear which is also of same size is a Omnivore

113. In which year India was certified as being free of variola (small pox virus) due to Indian national smallpox eradication programme (NSEP) and its intensified version (INSEP)?

(A) 1975
(B) 1977
(C) 1980
(D) 1985

Correct Answer: (B) 1977

114. With which of the following animals Galton’s whistle is most commonly associated?

(A) Horses
(B) Dogs
(C) whales
(D) Shark

Correct Answer: (B) Dogs

Answer Explanation:

Human can listen only the frequencies below 20 kHz. However animals like dogs, cats, dolphins, bats, and mice can listen above this limit. This principle was used by Galton who produced the ultrasonic waves by blowing a whistle. For human these whistle appears silent, while dogs and cats can listen it. It is used in training of dogs and cats

115. Causing agent of which of the following disease produces Integrase enzyme?

(A) Malaria
(B) Small Pox
(C) Swine flu

Correct Answer: (D) AIDS


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