6. What is the name given to the relaxation process due to an interaction between an excited nucleus and the magnetic fields caused by nuclei in molecules moving around in the sample?

A. Spin – lattice relaxation
B. Spin – spin relaxation
C. Spin – spin – spin relaxation
D. None of these

Correct Answer: A. Spin – lattice relaxation

7. Cytochrome C has an isoelectric pH of

A. 8.5
B. 10.05
C. 7.5
D. 11.05

Correct Answer: B. 10.05

8. What does the Michelson interferometer do?

A. Split a polychromatic beam of radiation into its component wavelengths
B. Selectively filter certain wavelengths from a beam of I.R. radiation
C. Modulate the I.R. signal at a lower frequency so that it can be observed by a detector
D. none of the above

Correct Answer: C. Modulate the I.R. signal at a lower frequency so that it can be observed by a detector

9. In scanning electron microscopy

A. a specimen is fixed and then coated with thin layer of a heavy metal
B. a specimen is fixed and then coated with transition metal
C. a specimen is not fixed and then coated with thin layer of a heavy metal
D. none of the above

Correct Answer: A. a specimen is fixed and then coated with thin layer of a heavy metal

10. The frequency of precession, the transition frequency and the Larmor frequency are

A. different terms for the same frequency
B. same terms for the same frequency
C. different terms for the different frequency
D. same terms for the different frequency

Correct Answer: A. different terms for the same frequency


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