11. Which of the following microorganisms help in ethanol production?

A. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
B. Zymomonas mobilis
C. Saccharomyces uvarum
D. All of these

Correct Answer: D. All of these

12. After the fermentation is over, ethanol is recovered by

A. centrifugation
B. distillation
C. filtration
D. cell disintegration

Correct Answer: B. distillation

13. The Zygomonas has merit over yeast because

A. it has more osmotic tolerance to higher sugar concentration
B. it has high tolerance to ethanol
C. it has more specific growth rate
D. all of the above

Correct Answer: D. all of the above

14. Which of the following organism is not used in any of the traditional industrial fermentation?

A. E. coli
B. Yeast
C. Bacillus
D. Pseudomonas

Correct Answer: A. E. coli

15. How is air supply to the fermentor sterilized?

A. By heat filtration
B. Filtration through fibrous material
C. Filtration through granular material
D. All of the above

Correct Answer: D. All of the above


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