16. A substrate binds to its enzyme at a location called the __________ site.

A. coenzyme
B. substrate
C. active
D. polypeptide

Correct Answer: C. active

17. Hydrogen and oxygen release enormous amounts of energy when they react. Yet, hydrogen and oxygen can be mixed together in a balloon and nothing will happen. Why?

A. Competitive inhibitors are blocking the reaction from occurring in the active site
B. There must be contaminating elements in the balloon that prohibit the reaction from occurring
C. The energy of activation to form the transition-state complex is too high to allow the reaction to occur without assistance
D. all of the above

Correct Answer: A. Competitive inhibitors are blocking the reaction from occurring in the active site

18. Adenosine triphosphate is a type of

A. fatty acid
B. amino acid
C. nucleotide
D. steroid

Correct Answer: C. nucleotide

19. An enzyme that is always produced, regardless of the presence of substrates or the end products, is called

A. a constitutive enzyme
B. an isoenzyme
C. a repressible enzyme
D. an allosteric enzyme

Correct Answer: A. a constitutive enzyme

20. About 7.3 kcal/mole are released when

A. glucose is converted to CO2 and H2O
B. NAD+ is reduced to NADH
C. ATP hydrolysis is coupled to sucrose synthesis
D. the terminal phosphate bond of ATP is broken by hydrolysis

Correct Answer: A. glucose is converted to CO2 and H2O


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