1. As a teacher, who firmly believes in the social constructivist theory of Lev Vygotsky, which of the following methods would you prefer for assessing your students?

A. Collaborative projects
B. Standardized tests
C. Fact-based recall questions
D. Objective multiple-choice type questions

Correct Answer: A. Collaborative projects

2. To cater to individual differences in his classroom, a teacher should:

A. have a uniform and standard ways of teaching and assessment
B. segregate and label children based on their marks
C. engage in a dialogue with students and value their perspectives
D. impose strict rules upon his students

Correct Answer: C. engage in a dialogue with students and value their perspectives

3. Assessment is purposeful if :

A. it induces fear and stress among the students
B. it serves as a feedback for the students as well as the teachers
C. it is done only once at the end of the year
D. comparative evaluations are made to differentiate between the students’ achievements

Correct Answer: B. it serves as a feedback for the students as well as the teachers

4. According to NCF, 2005, the role of a teacher has to be

A. authoritative
B. dictatorial
C. permissive
D. facilitative

Correct Answer: D. facilitative

5. Research suggests that in a diverse classroom, a teacher’s expectations from her students ________ their learning.

A. have a significant impact on
B. are the sole determinant of
C. should not be correlated with
D. do not have any effect on

Correct Answer: A. have a significant impact on


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