36. What is the i/o address for com3?
A. 3e8
B. 345
C. ff8
D. 5e8
E. be8
37. The following process determines the amount of memory present, the date/ time, and which communications ports and display adapters are installed in a microcomputer?
A. Start-up utility test
B. Power on Self Test
C. Power up boot process
D. Power on start up process
E. None of the above
38. In the DOS memory model, the HIGH Memory Area (HMA). is the _____ memory.
A. Last 64k of conventional
B. Last 64k of extended
C. First 64k above conventional
D. First 64k of extended
E. None of the above
39. In addition to I/O port addresses, SCSI adapters also use a range of ROM addresses for their onboard BIOS.
A. True
B. False
40. COM1 is typically represented by which of the following?
A. 15 pin port
B. 9 pin male port
C. 9 pin female port
D. 25 pin male port
E. None of the above