11. What is the size of the reserved memory area?
A. 64 kb
B. 384 kb
C. 640 kb
D. 1024 kb
E. None of the above
12. Which would you have to upgrade to install an EIDE drive?
B. A 286 CPU
C. Controller board
D. ISA motherboard
E. None of the above
13. Dust in a computer actually increases the size of the magnetic fields inside it. This is not good, so you must occasionaiy dust, I trust. What’s the best way to do this?
A. reverse vacuum
B. any small vacuum device
C. blow real hard on the system board
D. use a lint-free cloth and wipe gently
E. non-static compressed air
14. A parity error usually indicates a problem with:
A. memory
B. hard drive
C. hard drive controller
D. I/O controller
E. power supply
15. What is the i/o address for com1?
A. 3e8
B. 3bc
C. 5f8
D. 3f8
E. 008