6. Where does a computer add and compare data?

A. Hard disk
B. Floppy disk
C. CPU chip
D. Memory chip
E. None of the above

Correct Answer: C. CPU chip

7. Which of the following require large computer memory?

A. Imaging
B. Graphics
C. Voice
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

Correct Answer: D. All of the above

8. Which of the following are used to quickly accept, store, and transfer data and instructions that are being used immediately by the CPU?

A. microprocessors
B. registers
C. ROM chips
D. data buses
E. None of the above

Correct Answer: B. registers

9. Which disk interface standard includes support for up to eight peripheral devices?

A. ST50G/412
E. None of the above

Correct Answer: C. SCSI

10. Who designed the first general purpose electronic digital computer “ENIAC”?

A. Van-Neumann
B. Joseph M Jacquard
C. J. Presper Ecket and John W Mauchly
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

Correct Answer: C. J. Presper Ecket and John W Mauchly


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