21. Which of the following is the normal cell cycle, primarily regulated at checkpoints?

A. Metaphase in mitosis
B. Anaphase, G1 boundary
C. G1-S boundary
D. S-G2 boundary

Correct Answer: C. G1-S boundary

22. The phase of mitosis which is associated with the formation of the nuclear envelope is

A. prophase
B. metaphase
C. anaphase
D. telophase

Correct Answer: D. telophase

23. At the __________ checkpoint, cell growth is controlled.

A. C
B. G1
C. G2
D. S

Correct Answer: B. G1

24. A nuclear envelope forms around each set of sister chromatids in

A. anaphase
B. metaphase
C. prophase
D. telophase

Correct Answer: D. telophase

25. In which of the following phase preparations for genome separation are made?

A. C
B. G1
C. G2
D. M

Correct Answer: D. M


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