1. Which of the following can be identified by the milk ring test?

A. Brucellosis
B. Salmonellosis
C. Bovine tuberculosis
D. All of these

Correct Answer: A. Brucellosis

2. For brucellosis, 2 ME agglutination test is used to identify

A. IgG
B. IgM
C. IgA
D. IgE

Correct Answer: A. IgG

3. Human transmission of Brucellae occurs by

A. ingestion of contaminated meat
B. direct contact with animal tissues
C. ingestion of infected milk
D. all of these

Correct Answer: D. all of these

4. Agglutination test for Brucella mainly identifies which class of antibodies?

A. IgG
B. IgM
C. IgA
D. IgE

Correct Answer: B. IgM

5. The most pathogenic Brucella spp for man is

A. B melitensis
B. B abortus
C. B suis
D. B canis

Correct Answer: A. B melitensis


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