11. Pollination is the process by which plants transfer male sex cells from one plant to another. How does the nucleus of the male cell reach the female cell?

A. It travels on the legs of bees and sticks to the egg cell
B. The pollen grain grows a pollen tube and the nucleus travels down the pollen tube to reach the egg cell
C. It blows in the wind
D. None of the above

Correct Answer: B. The pollen grain grows a pollen tube and the nucleus travels down the pollen tube to reach the egg cell

12. When a gardener takes a cutting from a plant, indicating that he has made a

A. clone
B. mutation
C. new species
D. new variety

Correct Answer: A. clone

13. Single-stranded circular RNA encapsidated with a larger RNA in a plant virus is

A. a virion
B. a viroid
C. a virusoid
D. none of these

Correct Answer: C. a virusoid

14. Microarray analysis involves biological assays based on

A. gels
B. filters
C. purification columns
D. small glass chips

Correct Answer: D. small glass chips

15. Which of the following is correct about micro biosensors?

A. Implantation in the human body and are suitable for in-vivo measurements
B. Can be integrated on one chip and are useful for measuring various substrates in a small amount of sample solution simultaneously
C. It is possible to develop disposable transducers for biosensors through mass production
D. All of these

Correct Answer: D. All of these


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