31. Microcapsules are composed of

A. proteins
B. polysaccharides
C. lipids
D. all of these

Correct Answer: D. all of these

32. Gram positive cells have a

A. second outer membrane that helps to retain the crystal violet stain
B. multiple layers of peptidoglycan that helps to retain the crystal violet stain
C. thick capsule that traps the crystal violet stain
D. periplasmic space that traps the crystal violet

Correct Answer: B. multiple layers of peptidoglycan that helps to retain the crystal violet stain

33. The common word for bacteria which are straight rod in shape is

A. cooci
B. bacilli
C. spirilla
D. pleomorphic

Correct Answer: B. bacilli

34. A single polar flagella is known as

A. monotrichous
B. lophotrichous
C. amphitrichous
D. none of these

Correct Answer: A. monotrichous

35. Teichoic acids are typically found in

A. cell walls of gram positive bacteria
B. outer membranes of gram positive bacteria
C. cell walls of gram negative bacteria
D. outer membranes of gram negative bacteria

Correct Answer: A. cell walls of gram positive bacteria


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