21. The cocci which forms a chain is

A. Streptococci
B. diplococci
C. Staphylococci
D. Tetracocci

Correct Answer: A. Streptococci

22. The arrangement, in which flagella are distributed all around the bacterial cell, is known as

A. monotrichous
B. amphitrichous
C. peritrichous

Correct Answer: C. peritrichous

23. Periplasm is

A. the area between the inner and outer membranes of gram-negative bacteria
B. the area between the inner and outer membranes of Gram-positive bacteria
C. the interior portion of mitochondria
D. the area outside the cell membrane that is influenced by the polymers

Correct Answer: A. the area between the inner and outer membranes of gram-negative bacteria

24. Which of the following has peptidoglycan as a major constituent of cell wall?

A. Gram-negative bacteria
B. Gram-positive bacteria
C. Fungi
D. None of these

Correct Answer: B. Gram-positive bacteria

25. The common word for bacteria which are helically curved rods is

A. cooci
B. pleomorphic
C. bacillus
D. spirilla

Correct Answer: D. spirilla


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