1. For culturing, plasma from the adult chicken is preferred to mammalian plasma because

A. it forms a clear and solid coagulum even after dilution
B. it is too opaque
C. it doesn’t produce solid clots
D. it forms a semi-solid coagulum

Correct Answer: A. it forms a clear and solid coagulum even after dilution

2. Toxicity due to the accumulation of ammonia can be overcome

A. by substituting glutamine by glutamate
B. by controlled addition of glutamine at low level
C. by removal of ammonia or ammonium from culture medium
D. all of the above

Correct Answer: D. all of the above

3. Range of osmolarity tolerated/accepted in mOsm/Kg of H2O by mammalian cells is

A. 150-300
B. 280-360
C. 300-325
D. 360-400

Correct Answer: B. 280-360

4. Disaggregating of cells can be achieved by

A. physical disruption
B. enzymatic digestion
C. treating with chelating agents
D. all of the above

Correct Answer: D. all of the above

5. Accumulation of lactate leads to

A. increase in pH
B. no change in pH
C. reduction in the pH of culture hence loss of cell viability
D. no loss of cell viability

Correct Answer: C. reduction in the pH of culture hence loss of cell viability


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